Cheese in Zamora forms an integral part of its history


Located in the northwest of Spain, the province of Zamora, with over 10,000 square kilometers of land, boasts a wide variety of high-quality agri-food enterprises, among which cheese manufacturers most notably stand out.

Cheese in Zamora forms an integral part of its history and constituent culture, permeating landscapes, buildings, and art. Since the origin of this product, dating back to the Bronze Age, ancient manufacturing practices have evolved over centuries to become a historical legacy and a source of pride. This extensive historical knowledge combined with modern production techniques currently capitalizes on the incorporation of the latest advances in the dairy industry and its highly skilled professionals. As a result, cheese-makers offer unique proposals that now reach all seven continents.

The pastures and climate of the province of Zamora provide ideal conditions for the production of high-quality cheeses. The geographic and climatic diversity of this area, as well as the variety of existing native breeds of animals, have led to the production of an extensive assortment of cheeses, each with its own flavor and character, ranging from fresh and mild to aged and strong. Additionally, the Protected Designation of Origin “Queso Zamorano” and the Collective Mark of “Queso Castellano” guarantee the origin and quality of the cheeses produced in the region.